Pictured: Gary Lesser, President of The Florida Bar, and Pamela Bress, Esquire, Pro Bono
Attorney of the Year
WAYS for Life is THRILLED to share that our Executive Director, Pamela Bress, Esquire, has been awarded the Pro Bono Attorney of the Year Award by Brevard County Legal Aid.
Before founding WAYS for Life, Pam was a senior staff attorney at Brevard County Legal Aid, where she represented youth aging out of foster care. That's where she learned about the lack of critical resources, services, and affordable housing for homeless youth and youth exiting the child welfare system at age 18.
After leaving Legal Aid, Pam continued to represent young people facing critical legal issues. In the past year alone, she donated almost 300 hours of pro bono service in dependency, guardianship, and probate cases. Pam's volunteerism extends beyond legal assistance. Over the past 25 years, Pam has volunteered for numerous organizations that serve youth including coaching academic teams in the public school system (Odyssey of the Mind, Future Problem Solving, and Mock Trial), coaching Special Olympics, TOPSoccer, traditional sports teams, Justice Teaching at Central Middle School and Hoover Middle School, and serving on the board of directors for Club Esteem, Promise in Brevard, and the statewide Future Problem Solving Program.
Pam has been recognized extensively for her extraordinary community service. Just a few of her honors and awards include: Brevard County Bar Association A. Max Brewer Community Service Award for Outstanding Community Service 2014; Statewide Guardian Ad Litem Program Child Advocate of the Year 2016; Judge J. Preston Silvernail Civility Award 2020; and Orlando Channel 6 News Getting Results Award 2021.
Source: BrevardCountyLegalAid.org