The WAYS for Life Healthcare Navigator offers assistance with finding health care insurance and medical services for our 15 -25-year-old members.
If you are in, or have aged out of, foster care in Florida, we can point you to, and help you find your Medicaid information (number or plan name). And, if you have a Medicaid plan, we can help you access your free transportation to appointments.
We can help you apply for Medicaid and food stamps.
If you have a job, we can help you apply for a health insurance plan with the Affordable Care Act.
WAYS members are automatic members of the Brevard Health Alliance. If you are in need of dental, PT, chiropractic services, we can assist you.
Please be aware that there are some changes coming!
The pandemic emergency has been declared over, so that means in Florida, Medicaid services may have ended for many people. In addition, since Florida is a state that chose not to expand Medicaid under the ACA, it may be more difficult to become eligible for healthcare insurance.
If you receive a letter from Medicaid with a color stripe on it, PLEASE read it, save it, and prepare to act! You may need to reapply, and we’re happy to help you with the process.
If you are on Medicaid and are turning 18 or 21, please check to make sure you don’t need to re-enroll.